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The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) is now accepting grant applications for up to $500,000 to be used to start a mobile meat slaughter unit program in collaboration with Minnesota’s two-year colleges.
The deadline to submit a proposal is Oct. 22, 2021.
This grant opportunity comes at an important time for Minnesota’s livestock industry. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the important role small meat processors and slaughter operations play in bridging the gap between the local farmer and consumer. The grant aims to support industry needs that have emerged, including slaughter capacity and training.
The Minnesota legislature appropriated funds for this grant to create a program that will benefit Minnesota’s livestock industry through education, research, training and value-added product development. The funds are to be used to acquire, host and operate a mobile slaughter unit. The grant specifies that the program should be in collaboration with Minnesota state two-year college that offer meat cutting curriculum. Grant recipients can work with livestock producers as well to advance value-added meat products.
Eligible applicants for the grant include any Minnesota businesses demonstrating a willingness to benefit the state’s livestock industry and to collaborate with two-year colleges.
Applicants are required to provide a 1:1 cash match for every grant dollar requested. For more information on the grant program, visit AURI’s website, or contact Dan Skogen.
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