Ravenous Devils is a macabre cooking simulator with more than a few odd ingredients. Here's what to know when starting out.
Ravenous Devils is a unique budget-friendly indie title that blends cooking simulator gameplay with customer management elements, all wrapped up in a macabre horror-filled story. Ravenous Devils stars Percival and Hildred, a strange couple who seek wealth and fame from their semi-renowned clothes and meat pies. Of course, things are quite so lovely as the name of the game for our duo is murder and deceit.
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Yes, Percival kills his clients, takes their clothes, and then throws the bodies down a chute to the basement below here Hildrend then proceeds to make meat pies out of them. Grisliness aside, Ravenous Devils provides some layered fun for fans of cooking games, management sims, and even adventure games. Here are some of the best things to know when first starting out in this creepy game.
While Ravenous Devils features elements of cooking, upgrading, and customer management, it ends up actually playing out like a point-and-click style adventure game, mostly down to the fact that players don't control the characters directly. Movement around the shop is dictated by a light beam cursor.
This point-and-click style movement isn't all that refined and can often have players clicking on items they didn't mean to. Much of this comes down to the small play area. To get the most out of this game, take time getting used to where specific points in the environment are that can be interacted with such as the oven, bar area, sewing machine, and the like.
The two main playable characters in Ravenous Devils are Percival and Hildred, a couple who seemingly seek to pick up the pieces left by Sweeny Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Percival and Hildred manage completely different areas of the shop and don't really have any crossover, apart from certain skits or cutscenes.
Percival runs the tailor shop and he is the one to greet clients as they enter. Clients will either purchase clothes from a mannequin or they will enter Percival's backroom where he promptly slices and dices them to either send to Hildred for cooking or takes to the greenhouse (once unlocked) to make fertilizer. Hildred is the one who manages the entirety of cooking meat pieces, and various other recipes, and manages the bar area.
Ravenous Devils isn't a particularly hard game in the traditional sense, however, after the first few in-game days, things can go from calm and collected to chaotic. Managing time is the best way to stay on task with Percival and Hildred and more importantly, to earn the most money from clothes and recipes.
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Players are able to swap between floors at any time to see what each character is getting up to. Likewise, there is an indicator for Percival and Hildred in the bottom left of the screen that the tasks each of them is on. Watch how many clients and customers are in the respective shops at any given time to ensure the correct tasks are being done.
As time moves forward in the game and as new story beats open up, Hildred is able to unlock new recipes. The game starts out with the only two recipes being a meat burger and a meat pie. While these earn a decent amount of money from pub patrons, it's only when ingredients like tomatoes are incorporated that the money really starts rolling in.
Pretty much all of the recipes require the human meat that the game has so morbidly taught you about. Mixing this special meat with flour, tomatoes, herbs, and the like means more variety for customers. Customers will generally respond with various colored bubbles above their heads which denote the foods they like and prefer.
The name of the game for Percival and Hildred is making money and a name for themselves. Apart from the tailor shop gameplay and the cooking, the other major component of Ravenous Devils is upgrading the overall shop. Money is accrued at the end of each day and is then used to buy new ovens, new mannequins, new ingredients, and even to unlock other areas of the building such as a greenhouse.
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In order to make the time more manageable, it's encouraged to prioritize upgrading the tailor shop, pub, and basement kitchen areas first. These three main areas are all available from the outset. Things like cooking and making clothes can take a good deal of time and could lead to fewer customers or clients being served. By adding more tools or by speeding up the time it takes to do the characters' respective tasks, the game will be much easier overall and in turn, lead to more revenue.
Ravenous Devils takes place across various in-game days and once patrons start rolling in for new clothes or meat pie options, things can get hectic. Fortunately, the game gives players ample time to prepare for the opening of the shop. Prior to opening the shop, money can be used to upgrade, and tasks can be started to get the shop ready.
Players can keep track of the in-game time via a timer of sorts in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The timer slowly counts down once the shop is open. As the client number dwindles towards the end of a given day, the game informs you of the last clients or customers in the building. Preparation is key in this game in order to serve the most customers.
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Geoffrey is a gaming list writer for Game Rant and TheGamer where he writes about all aspects of the games industry with a specialty in indie games, platformers, and lesser-known gaming experiences. Geoffrey brings a fun, positive, and lighthearted writing style! Geoffrey is also the creator of The Indie Gaming Guild, an indie gaming YouTube channel that you can check out right here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheIndieGamingGuild