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The average salary is $26 per hour.
Costco members check out at a cashier.
Costco Canada does everything in bulk, including job hiring. If you've been looking to change career paths and pick up a new role with perks there are around 50 open opportunities with the retailer across the country.
Positions vary from non-customer-facing options, like baker, meat cutter, and cake decorator, to roles on the go, like delivery and truck driver. There are plenty of jobs that only require a high school education and some opportunities don't have any education or skill requirements at all. Students can also get in on the action, with entry-level gigs, like Pharmacy Student and Optical Student
The average Costco salary is $26 per hour. Full-time warehouse clerks can earn up to $70,000 a year, plus benefits.
Salaried employees qualify for health and dental coverage. Other benefits include retirement contributions matched by Costco, short/longterm disability insurance, and an employee share purchase plan that allows workers to buy Costco through payroll deduction.
For postings in Quebec locations, the company requires that candidates be able to speak and write in French.
Here are some of the open positions in more detail:
This job requires helping Costco members scan and pack their shopping items, operate the cash register, greet customers and other similar duties.
The position requires no previous experience, nor any specific certifications or licenses. There are no listed skills or knowledge, so you can learn on the job!
Duties include cleaning gas spills, loading pump receipt paper, inspecting equipment, monitoring deliveries and more.
A high school diploma or GED is preferred, although not required.
The job requires cutting and preparing raw meat for sale, inspecting equipment, operating the meat grinder, cleaning the work station, maintaining machinery, and other tasks.
You'll need a Food Safety Certification - Level 1 and meat cutting experience. There's a meat cutting pre-test required before you're allowed to start.
Employees in this role have to check and sort pallets, stack goods, unload containers, and provide customer service.
Specific experience and skills are not a necessity, but you should have a high school diploma and a Level 1 Food Safety Certification.
Duties include assisting with drug distribution, supporting pharmacy staff, providing counselling and education for prescription and OTC products, and more.
Anyone currently enrolled in an approved pharmacy program and registered with a college, may be a good candidate for this role.
Responsibilities include lifting pallets, operating machinery, checking computers, following all safety procedures, spotting forklift drivers and more.
You'll need some previous knowledge to apply for this one, including a food safety certification, stocker experience, math skills, and computer skills.
People in this job get to frost and fill cakes, write messages on snacks, use whipping cream machines, and much more.
You'll need a food safety certification to apply. There are no specific education and experience requirements for this job, although candidates with a cake decorating background will be given preference.
The role involves helping customers choose eyeglass frames, fitting glasses, stocking supplies, cleaning the department and more.
A high school diploma or GED is preferred but not essential, although a current provisional license is required. You'll also need to be registered in an applicable college.
No previous experience or knowledge is necessary.
Also eye-related, daily tasks for a stockroom assistant include gathering frames and lenses for optical orders, analyzing optical work tickets, and more.
Some of the duties are a little complex, so experience in an optical lab is preferred (although not necessary). Manual dexterity and basic math skills are non-negotiable.
The role involves printing photos and producing in-lab products, assisting customers with ordering photos, using the cash register, taking ID photos, and doing equipment maintenance.
Successful candidates will have to pass several tests, including Windows proficiency and Digital Knowledge, but no specific education or training is required.
Applicants with photo developing or photographic experience will be given preference.
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