How to grill: a step-by-step guide for beginners : Life Kit : NPR

2022-05-29 01:21:40 By : Mr. Gangjin Zhao

Grilling isn't just a summer rite of passage for suburban dads – it's for anyone who loves being outside and enjoys that smoky, crispy sear on their meats, vegetables and fruits. But cooking over a flame can intimidate even the most experienced home chefs. There's something about it that feels a little risky!

Don't worry: If you're new to grilling, or feel a little dusty since last season, Jess Larson, founder of Plays Well With Butter, has got you covered. Her tips will help you step up your grill game this summer.

Left: a gas grill; Right: a charcoal grill Plays Well With Butter hide caption

Most grills will either be gas or charcoal. Looking for ease? A gas grill might be the way to go. If you're more budget conscious, or excited about learning how to manage a fire, charcoal is your best bet.

Gas grills are more beginner-friendly because they operate more like a kitchen stovetop – you can light the grill instantly and simply dial up the flames or turn them down as needed. "The machine kind of takes out a lot of the guesswork for you," says Larson. "You just set the dials to whatever your recipe calls for and it manages the temperatures."

That's a great bonus when you're also looking to get dinner on the table quickly. But if you're looking for that classic grill look and flavor, charcoal is the way to go.

"A charcoal grill is what comes to mind when you are going to think of grilling, likely that smoky flavor, that iconic kind of kettle look," Larson says, "and it is a great place to start for beginner grillers because charcoal grills end up being a little bit more affordable."

If you're new to grilling, charcoal grills do require a steeper learning curve than gas grills: "Managing a charcoal flame requires just a little bit of experience," says Larson. But once you learn how to do that, you're guaranteed to have that unique-to-grilling charred and smoky flavor you can't get any other way.

If you are using a charcoal grill and have to light your own fire, Larson suggests simplifying the process by using a charcoal chimney.

A charcoal chimney is used to light a charcoal grill. Plays Well With Butter hide caption

If you're using a gas grill, you can buy propane from your local hardware store or connect your grill to a natural gas line if one is available to you.

If you're using a charcoal grill, create temperature zones by stacking more coals on one end for higher heat, and fewer coals on the other end for lower heat. You can do that by starting more coals in a chimney and pouring them on top of existing coals where you want higher heat.

You can also open vents along the bottom of your grill to let air flow through and burn your coals hotter.

Once you have your heat zones, you can move your food around on the grill to cook it at different heat levels. For meats that can dry out quickly but need to be fully cooked, like chicken, Larson suggests starting it on a lighter heat before finishing it off on high heat for those "crave-worthy charred bits." If you're searing red meat or fish that you don't want to cook all the way through, you could start at a higher heat part of the grill.

If you want to be extra precise or if you're following a recipe that lists temperatures, Larson says you can place an oven thermometer on your grill to get a sense of how hot it is.

Grilling aficionado Jess Larson says grill tongs, an instant-read meat thermometer, a grill spatula and a grill brush are essentials. Photo Illustration by Becky Harlan/NPR hide caption

Grilling aficionado Jess Larson says grill tongs, an instant-read meat thermometer, a grill spatula and a grill brush are essentials.

You don't have to do everything the hard way, says Larson. Use lighter cubes, quick-light charcoal or pre-marinated meats if you want to eliminate a tricky or time-consuming step.

And when it comes to grilling, tools are your friend!

Grilling utensils have longer handles, making them safer to use over hot flames. Even Larson, a self-described "minimalist" in the kitchen, says a pair of grill tongs, a grill spatula and grill brush are must-haves – and an instant-read meat thermometer is non-negotiable.

"There's nothing worse than feeling uncertain about when to pull the chicken from the grill so you end up overcooking it and there's just no coming back from that," she says." You can just rely on the tool to do its job and it eliminates all of that uncertainty."

The National Fire Protection Association's Susan McKelvey recommends taping bright colored duct tape on the ground near a grill to mark off a boundary easily visible to children. Catie Dull/NPR hide caption

Before you light your grill, read your grill's manual. It'll give you crucial information about how and where to set it up safely. You'll to avoid putting your grill against the side of your house or under a patio roof or someone else's balcony, for example.

"You want to have your grill in open-air so there's a lot of space for the air to circulate and for the heat to disperse itself," says Larson.

If the fire seems like it's getting out of hand, don't panic. "When in doubt, just close the lid [and the vents] and have the fire die out on its own," says Larson. Cutting off the oxygen supply should kill the fire in a matter of minutes. And, just in case, "it's always a good idea to have a fire extinguisher on hand."

"Grilling can unlock a whole different world of flavor for you," says Larson. It can be really fun, too! "It's really just about practicing, and you'll get the hang of it faster than you think."

You can find more of Jess Larson's grilling recipes at Plays Well With Butter or by following @playswellwithbutter on Instagram.

The audio portion of this episode was produced by Mansee Khurana. We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at

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