For Sale: ’18 John Deere 1023 E sub compact tractor, front end loader, 60" belly mower, 61 hrs., runs great, has all paper work from John Deere $13,000 OBO – 713-880-1220
For Sale: Husky pups, (6) female and (3) male – 979-451-3729 text
For Sale: 2/1 house w/ carport, all brick, CHA, metal roof, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer hook ups, 808 Wilkens $170,000 – 979-421-2274
For Sale: ’10 Hyundai Sonata, low miles, runs good, 4-door, cold a/c – 713-562-1348
For Sale: baby beef butcher calf quarters, front quarters $495 and rear quarters $750, cut and wrap incl. ; whole heifer calves $1795 ; Krone 9’ disc cutter ; Kuhn 9’ disc cutter ; Wanted: someone to help cut/rake/bale hay – 713-870-7272 or
Wanted: 16.9-38 rear tractor tire, at least 50% tread – 979-836-7314
For Sale: Massey-Ferguson 235 tractor, diesel, 3-cyl. Perkins engine, front end loader, hay spear for bucket, 6’ pull shredder $5500 – 979-421-0682 after 12n
For Sale: 2.5 ton outdoor CHA unit ; 2756017 tires and rims, came off Ford ; set of Moon Universal rims ; 16’ lowboy trailer, heavy duty, needs some work ; engine hoist ; doors – 979-203-2278
For FREE: upright piano, needs tuning, needs some work – 979-203-1279
Wanted: someone to cut down lg. trees and clear land, in Old Washington – 979-203-7613 LM
For Sale: ’02 Polaris 500 Sportsman 4-wheeler, 183 hrs., looks and runs good, clear title $3700 OBO – 979-277-2343
For Sale: miniature Hereford bull calf, ready to be weaned – 979-251-0753
Wanted: someone to shear sheep, you can keep wool – 512-284-0018 Mary Lou
For Sale: (3) AKC Chocolate Lab pups, (2) female and (1) male, 8 wks. old, vet checked, up to date on shots, dew claws removed $350 – 979-777-4515
For Sale: 20” boy Mongoose “Pebble” bike ; ladder for above ground pool $20 – 979-277-5952
For Sale: 18” girls pink bike, new tube $20 ; 3-tier glass TV stand, heavy $40 ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845
For Sale: Echo backpack blower, needs carburetor $150 ; parts for Echo weed eater and lawn equipment – 979-836-4138
For Sale: 4’x18”x1’ aquarium w/ stand, has storage and cabinets, comes w/ gravel and accessories $100 OBO ; sewing machine in cabinet $75 OBO – 979-716-9133
Wanted: lot w/ or w/o house in Bolivar or Crystal Beach, will pay CASH – 832-641-9116
For Sale: (2) Manx kittens ; Chihuahua dog, female ; (6) guinea pigs – 979-551-1826
For Sale: goat manure in bags, NO weeds or seeds, has some organic bits, does not need to be composted $20/5 bags ; For Sale or TRADE: American Alpine buckling, will be weaned in July $250 or will trade for help w/ fencing – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING
For Sale: Bobcat ZTR mower, 54” cut, 17HP Kawasaki motor ; Craftsman LT2000 riding mower, 42” cut ; ’96 Ford F-150 custom ; ’78 flatbed truck, needs motor ; Frigidaire side x side refrigerator, works ; Whirlpool electric stove, white, clean, good cond. ; 1-ton truck – 979-203-1971
Wanted: old coins, silver and gold, will pay CASH – 979-530-3966
FOUND: keys, found on Friday morning – 979-277-2462
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The Sheriff needs equipment vital to his operation quit stal...
Looks like our local politicians are just as fiscally inept...
Durrenberger really said that (CARES) Act funds means that "...
Hey county Judge Durrenburger, the TAX payers are still payi...
Great A step in the right direction toward preserving the tr...