New York State's Pet Bill Of Rights Looming?

2022-05-14 19:48:31 By : Mr. Bruce Long

If you own a pet in New York State, there may be a new list of rights that you should be aware of. Here in New York State, lawmakers seem to watch and follow much of what California does in terms of laws and restrictions.

In multiple news reports this week, it was noted that a bill proposed in California would require various places to post a "Pet Bill Of Rights".

Assembly Bill 1881, dubbed the “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights,” gives the pets multiple rights, including freedom from neglect and abuse, the right to health care, nutritious food and appropriate exercise, among others.

There would be various fines for anyone who is found to be in violation of the law/bill of rights.

According to the proposed bill in California, here are a few of the rights for dogs and cats.

31801. (a) Dogs and cats have the right to be free from exploitation, cruelty, neglect, and abuse. (b) Dogs and cats have the right to a life of comfort, free of fear and anxiety. (c) Dogs and cats have the right to daily mental stimulation and enrichment. (d) Dogs and cats have the right to sanitary food and water in an appropriate and safe environment. (e) Dogs and cats have the right to preventative and therapeutic health care. (f) Dogs and cats have the right to be properly identified through tags, microchips, or any other means. (g) Dogs and cats have the right to be spayed and neutered to prevent unwanted litters.

There doesn't appear to be any movement toward such a law or proposal in New York State's legislature as of now. But soon after this law passes in California, it would a matter of time before other states, including New York, get on board with the idea as well.