With a phenomenal cook on the crew like Sanji, the possibilities are endless. But, which food is overall each Straw Hat's favorite?
One Piece Film: Red first aired in Japan's theaters on August 6th. With a franchise as popular as One Piece, it was of little surprise that the movie has already become the 2nd highest grossing film in the country. The movie still has a few more months until it reaches the U.S., but it's certain to be a hit everywhere.
The Straw Hats return for yet another journey. On this journey, like any for the Straw Hats, there's sure to be plenty of singing, fighting, drinking, and eating. On their crew, Sanji is an excellent cook who whips up some of the best food the crew has ever tasted.
The following information comes from the SBS section of the One Piece manga where Eiichiro Oda answers fans' questions.
Jinbe's love of vinegared mozuku seaweed likely comes from him living on Fishman Island as it's likely a delicacy many Fishmen and Mermaids enjoy. In addition to this, Jinbe also loves fruits, though there are no specifics as to what fruits he likes best.
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There is still quite a bit fans don't know about Jinbe's character and his time as a Straw Hat is still relatively fresh, so fans can likely expect to learn why his favorite foods are what they are the more he spends time with the crew.
Brook's favorite food is takoyaki curry and this likely has nothing to do with him being a skeleton either. However, there are no other details hinting or referring to why this would be Brook's favorite food.
But it is also noted that Brook's other favorite food is tea. While tea is not a food it is another emphasis of what Brook's favorite drink is and what the character is known to smell like. It's very rare to not see Brook without his mug of tea.
Many fans will know that if Franky was in the real world, he would be American. So it's of little surprise that his favorite food is hamburgers with French fries.
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This also fits with Franky's overall love of cola which would complement them well. Franky also loves any food in general that compliments cola.
Robin, one of the strongest female characters in One Piece, is a character with many wounds who slowly began opening up to the other Straw Hats. Because of this, it somehow feels natural that her food choice would be a bit bland but it also just overall feels a little sad.
In addition to this she also likes cakes, but only those that aren't too sweet, as well as anything that compliments coffee. And seeing the rest of Robin's favorites, it's more than likely Robin likes her coffee black.
Throughout One Piece, Chopper has always shown a great love for cotton candy and has proven to be easily distracted by it. Chopper's love of cotton candy could even be compared to Luffy and Zoro's love of meat and booze respectively.
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The reason Chopper was first drawn to cotton candy in the first place is likely its color and its similarity to cherry blossoms. Other than cotton candy, Chopper also loves chocolate, and other sweet food and drinks.
Sanji is not only one of the best characters in One Piece, but he's also the best cook and therefore no one should expect Sanji's favorite food to be basic. For someone who spent most of their life cooking at a seafood restaurant, it isn't shocking that Sanji's favorite food involves seafood.
Though it may be a bit surprising that someone like Sanji could even narrow down on one specific food choice as his favorite. And while this is one of his favorite foods, he also enjoys anything that compliments back tea.
Usopp's favorite food is very specific and comes from an unspecified island. Due to Oda typically naming every island, it does make some fans wonder why he simply says "an autumn island" and does not name what it is as well.
But beyond this specific pike, Usopp is also a big fan of any other type of fish regardless of the season of the year or island.
Nami is said to love all fruit, but it's not surprising that her primary favorites are tangerines. Oranges are involved a great deal with Nami's overall character and are directly tied to her character's tragic backstory.
She can also be seen growing oranges on the Thousand Sunny and is even said to smell like them. Her hair also is non-coincidentally orange, and she has a tattoo of the oranges on her shoulder.
Zoro's love for rice may seem surprising at first but is likely a reference to one of Zoro's best techniques "Oni Giri." While this literally means "ogre cutter" it is also the name for rice balls. Zoro also loves Sea King Meat and anything that compliments booze.
The last of Zoro's favorites are hardly surprising as Zoro seems to love his alcohol about as much as Luffy loves meat. And while the Sea King Meat seems a bit surprising, Zoro is definitely the type of guy that would love the food of a strong beast and something that's difficult to obtain like Sea Kings.
It's a well-known fact that every One Piece fan knows that Luffy's favorite food is meat. He doesn't have any specific favorite type and enjoys all as long as its meat.
This is something that has been recurring throughout the series especially after Luffy is injured. He doesn't call for food, but always specifically meat. For whatever reason, meat seems to replenish his body and helps him recover from his wounds.
NEXT: Luffy's 10 Best Techniques In One Piece, Ranked
List Writer for ScreenRant since 2022. Caleb Greenough is a writer from Nebraska who spends much of his free time writing Fantasy and Horror stories. He has a B.A. from Wayne State College that he received in 2020 and an M.A. from Southern New Hampshire University he obtained in 2022. In addition to writing Fantasy, he is also a big fan of reading books like the Wheel of Time or playing games such as Dark Souls or the Legend of Zelda. He is also a big fan of anime and manga with his favorites being Code Geass and Dragon Ball Z. He spends a great deal of time writing and is published in the Horror genre. His published works and some of his other writings can be found on his blog. His biggest dream in life is to be an author with multiple Fantasy novels and novel series under his name.