SACRAMENTO, Ca. (KOVR) – A butcher in Sacramento is thinking out of the box, creating a vending machine for meat.
The idea is to make quality products available both before his store opens and after it closes.
“We wanted to expand our hours,” butcher Eric Veldman Miller expla
SACRAMENTO, Ca. (KOVR) – A butcher in Sacramento is thinking out of the box, creating a vending machine for meat.
The idea is to make quality products available both before his store opens and after it closes.
“We wanted to expand our hours,” butcher Eric Veldman Miller expla
Publisher - Award-Winning Impact Media - Alt Protein & Sustainability Breaking News
San Francisco-based Artemys Foods has emerged from stealth with a new name. Now dubbed SCiFi Foods, the startup that counts British rock bank Coldplay as one of its early bac
Fruits and vegetables are an indispensable part of every healthy diet. From children to adults, everyone needs an adequate intake of vegetables and fruits every single day. However, cutting and chopping vegetables manually is a never-ending task. From getting teary-eyed while slicing onions to
Fruits and vegetables are an indispensable part of every healthy diet. From children to adults, everyone needs an adequate intake of vegetables and fruits every single day. However, cutting and chopping vegetables manually is a never-ending task. From getting teary-eyed while slicing onions to
Video Game News, Lists & Guides
Complete your Waddle Dee collection.
Finally, we’re going to complete our Waddle Dee collection in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. The last set of Waddle Dees are found in World 6: Redgar Forbidden Lands — this is the home of the Beast
Plenty of countertop kitchen appliances sell themselves as versatile, and these days, even common toasters come with secondary cooking capabilities. The Omni Cook is a new smart cooking device that actually doubles as a sous chef, and this review will touch on its greatest features.
Plenty of countertop kitchen appliances sell themselves as versatile, and these days, even common toasters come with secondary cooking capabilities. The Omni Cook is a new smart cooking device that actually doubles as a sous chef, and this review will touch on its greatest features.
Compound butter, or Beurre Maitre d'Hotel, sounds kind of fancy, but it's not. It's flavored butter, and Chef Curtiss Hemm says it's incredibly easy to make and lasts for months in the fridge. You’re probably most familiar with the concept thanks to those pats of butter you might find en