LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Variedades de la Mission de Cristo on Maryland Parkway and Desert Inn Road is a Dirty Dining repeat offender.
It was previously shut down on December 6, 2021 for two imminent health hazards: inadequate hot water and a multi-generational cockroach infestation.
On April 22, it was shut down again for a multi-generational cockroach infestation, as well as 51 excessive demerits.
Inspectors found live and dead roaches, as well as egg sacs, throughout the facility. They were found under the blender, the make-table, in the restroom, electric panel, on the grease interceptor, food prep area, next to the steam table, and in a dirty pot stored on the floor.
The person in charge told inspectors they are aware of pest issues and contracted a pest control company in December 2021 when they were first on Dirty Dining.
There were also multiple dead, and live fruit flies in the facility.
An employee touched ready-to-eat rice and chorizo with bare hands.
Pork, chicken and beef were from unknown sources, and they had no documentation as to where it came from. They told inspectors it was either from Costco or El Super, or it had been donated to the Mission. Beef had to be thrown out due to unsafe temperatures.
More than a dozen expired tamales that had been prepared three weeks earlier were still being offered for sale. Those had to be thrown out, as did lots of other foods that had been prepared at the facility during the active pest infestation.
There was a repeat violation for using foods that were not date-labeled.
Inspectors found moldy pineapple and moldy jackfruit.
Variedades de la Mission de Cristo is required to have intervention training with the Health District due to its documented history of non-compliant inspections.
Owner Rosa Hernandez said, "I'm happy the inspectors are looking out for the health around the county. I have asked for professionals to fumigate my business, but this happened and I am not happy. My employees had cleaned up, but I guess we weren't careful enough with our cleaning. I'm thankful that the Health District is working with us on this. I'm ready for them to come back to inspect again and for us to open back up. I've followed everything that they have asked."
All We Do Is Wing, a food truck on Charleston Boulevard and Fogg Street, operated by Truck Yeah Catering was shut down on April 23 for the imminent health hazard of no water.
Inspectors say food handlers did not wash hands before preparing food.
They also found an employee’s open soda bottle on a cutting board.
The truck was re-inspected on April 26 and received a zero-demerit "A" grade.
Owner Kelcie Alder said, "We just got inspected two weeks prior and everything was working, but in that time frame, the water pump motor burned out and we didn’t realize it. It was a hard lesson learned, and it was disappointing. We will enforce an equipment checklist before every event in the future to ensure this doesn't happen again."
Paradise Amusements was shut down on April 21 at the Pure Aloha Festival at Craig Ranch Park.
The food trailer, which sells items like popcorn, candy apples, and cotton candy, was cited for operating without an approved commissary or support kitchen. It also got 31 demerits.
An employee handled cash, then prepared ready-to-eat food without washing hands.
There was also excessive mold in the ice machine.
Kelsey Dos Santos, the food truck operator, refused to sign the report after “becoming angry with [the] Health Authority for asking about water source and commissary agreement.”
Things got so heated that police were called.
The report said, “due to increased passive-aggressive tone and outward hostility towards the Health Authority, EHS Supervisor Nikki and Sr. EHS Jacob arrived on site to support debrief of inspection. In addition, NLV Police Department and Parks and Recs Services officials were present.”
We got no response to either our text or email requesting comment.
LV Tacos Salseros was shut down on April 19 for failing re-inspection from a previous downgrade. It also got 30 demerits.
All prepared foods on the truck had to be thrown out because of the failed inspection. Chicken tenders, steak, diced tomatoes, cheese sauce, beef tripe, and pork were all at unsafe temperatures.
Bowls of tomatoes, cilantro, and cut onions were double-stacked and subject to potential contamination.
There were also flies in the truck.
Owner Marisol Hernandez said, "It's unfair how the Health District does their inspections. I have over 15 years in this business and more recently, they seem to be nitpicking and looking to find anything. Nobody’s perfect and I’m not saying it’s okay, but I know the business and it’s frustrating. You’re never going to win with these people. They should be a little bit flexible. Other inspectors in the past were more empathetic and willing to work together. In this case, regarding the food temperatures, we were driving and then we stopped at our sell point and were bringing everything up to temperature, but they didn’t give us time and made us throw everything out and close the truck."
She said, "We have only positive reviews. We've never had any complaints about our food or service."
The truck was re-inspected on April 21 and received a nine-demerit "A" grade.
Click here to see the health report for Variedades de la Mission de Cristo.
Click here to see the health report for Paradise Amusements AILR.
Click here to see the health report for LV Tacos Salseros.
Click here to see the health report for All We Do is Wing.