The Best Executions In Evil Dead: The Game

2022-07-23 02:18:09 By : Mr. Lynn Shu

There's nothing more satisfying than a quality takedown.

Evil Dead: The Game is an asymmetric 4-vs-1 action game by Saber Interactive based on one of the original video nasties, The Evil Dead, as well as its various sequels. Given its bloody roots, enemy executions are almost a given in this game — and they do not disappoint.

Related: Evil Dead: Gags From The Movies That We See In The Games

Every melee weapon type has a few different executions, ranging from badass to comedic, and given that Sam Raimi’s work has a tendency to blur those lines, you end up with a lot of executions that are both. Still, some finishers are simply better than others, so here are the ones that are a cut above the rest.

Of course there’s a spot here for the great equalizer — after all, it’s the Evil Dead movies that made the chainsaw an iconic weapon for when you need to dispatch your demonic foes with messy efficiency.

Of course, Ash is a legendary chainsaw wielder and is all about pragmatism in combat, so he’s more than ready to give the old one-two — the two in this case being a revving murder machine to the guts. It’s nice to see that he can still throw a punch, even after losing his main hand.

One of man’s earliest weapons is still quite effective against skeletons, Deadites and demons. This stabbing implement may be made from cobbled together scrap, but its effectiveness is undeniable.

Of course, just because it’s an old-school weapon of war, it doesn’t mean that you can’t give it some 21st century panache. This execution is as excessive as it is impressive, starting by making the target look stupid before impaling them pulling the spear through and then braining them for good measure. Talk about overkill.

As it turns out, this repurposed mining implement is as effective against the bodies of the Evil as it is against rocks.

While a pickaxe to the dome will finish most beings, with Deadites, you can never be too sure. You might as well flip them over your head and finish them off with a stomp just to be certain. That you get a nice bit of physical comedy out of it is also a plus.

Though swords only saw use in the Army Of Darkness movie, they never truly fall out of style. The sword is a noble weapon of the old school, worthy to be wielded by the likes of Henry, Arthur, and arguably El Jefe himself, Ash.

Related: Evil Dead: The Game - Things Only Fans Of The Franchise Noticed

Embedding the sword into the shoulder, only to pull it out, slash across the chest, and decapitate the target is a heroic combo that you'd expect from such a gallant weapon, making anyone executing it look particularly dashing.

When you think ‘lethal implement of death,’ your first thought probably isn’t the humble garden shovel, but if you think about it, why wouldn’t you? It’s easy to handle, but has a good heft, with a blade at the end, and is also sturdy enough to be used as a bludgeoning weapon on the flat side.

Of course, the blade is quite effective as a stabbing implement, which is demonstrated here. However, it’s still an improvised weapon, so it can’t quite finish the job, but that’s okay ‘cause it’s hilarious to watch our heroes pound on the handle ‘till the Deadite’s head pops off.

The cleaver is a useful kitchen utensil, sturdy and useful for chopping, so as far as improvised weapons go, it’s a decent choice, especially if it’s a high quality one.

As this execution shows, while it’s a lethal implement up close, you can also make up the distance by chucking the thing. Apparently, you throw it hard enough to cause some distress to your Deadite victim, ‘cause they try to take it out... only for you to swat its hand away so you can pull it through and finish the job.

Speaking of kitchen implements, the Meat Hammer is also an option for when you need to bludgeon instead of chop. Basically a small mace, it’s already designed for beating meat, so you’re not that far off from its intended use (unless you’re fighting Skeletons).

At the intersection of comedy and horror is a flying head. There’s just something about it that’s hilarious, even if the situation is horrifying — which is something this game understands. This weapon allows you to send someone’s dome through the uprights, as you pummel them to their hands and knees before running up and kicking their heads off.

Good against wood, good against flesh and bone, using the Lumberjack’s Axe in combat barely even qualifies as improvised weaponry.

Related: The Best Weapons In Evil Dead: The Game

The weapon is efficient against your foes, so it’s fitting that it also has one of the most efficient executions in the game. However, that doesn’t make it any less cool, since you exhibit Jason Vorhees-level super strength and lop off your target’s head in one swing. To add some disrespect, you also Sparta-kick the corpse over, a la 300.

A classic weapon modification, the Nailed Bat adds piercing ability to what is normally a bludgeoning weapon. The nails also make it look pretty darn scary. Makes you wonder why it's considered a joke weapon.

Fortunately, the nails don’t impact your ability to swing away, like this execution where you give ‘em a swift kick in the gut to send them to their knees, before you aim for the fences and send their heads flying for the home run.

There’s nothing funnier than a good nut shot. There’s just something about seeing someone getting it in the gooch that transcends cultures and makes everyone laugh.

Though the finishing blow is an upswing to the cranium with a rather heavy sledgehammer, we know that even before then, your target is already dead on the inside from the kick in the nads that you gave ‘em. The lethal head trauma is almost a mercy.

Next: Sam Raimi Movies That Deserve Video Game Adaptations Aside From Evil Dead

A Bachelor of Science in Journalism and lover of all games, Chris originally got into games journalism as part of the longest and least thought out scheme to get into E3 and has since developed a love for journalism and the written word. Never got those E3 tickets, though.